Tag Archive for: scientific programming

Scientific Programming Using Modern C++ Features

Scientific Programming Modern C++ Scientific programming using Modern C++ requires a new way of thinking about programming, at first sight it may often be more abstract and more difficult to understand than conventional codes. Adopting these new features means not only learning a whole programming style but learning new unfamiliar features as well. I’m currently […]

The 4 Most Important Skills for a Software Developer

I don’t remember where I took that from, but I think it’s worth sharing. I have been developing software for almost 25 years and this is what I think that’s the 4 most important skills for a software developer. Software development is 100% about solving problems If you can quickly adapt to the rapidly changing […]

An Example of a C++ class Implementation Of Euler Angles

C++ has many features which make this language very attractive for scientific programming, and one of them is the operator overload functionality. I present an example taken from our programming environment (math3D library) that use this to represent a rotation class (Euler angles).